Technical background

We provide details regarding the implemented algorithm. In brief, the algorithm maximises the variational lower bound, typically known as the ELBO, using the reparametrisation trick.

ELBO maximisation

Our goal is to approximate the true (unnormalised) posterior distribution $p(\theta|\mathcal{D})$ with a Gaussian $q(\theta) = \mathcal{N}(\theta|\mu,\Sigma)$. To achieve this, we maximising the expected lower bound:

$\mathcal{L}(\mu,\Sigma) = \int q(\theta) \log p(\mathcal{D}, \theta) d\theta + \mathcal{H}[q]$,

also known as the ELBO. The above integral is a lower bound to the marginal likelihood $\int p(\mathcal{D},\theta) d\theta \geq \mathcal{L}(\mu,\Sigma)$ and is in general intractable. We can make progress by approximating it with as a Monte carlo average over $S$ number of samples $\theta_s\sim q(\theta)$:

$\mathcal{L}(\mu,\Sigma) \approx \frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S \log p(\mathcal{D}, \theta_s) + \mathcal{H}[q]$.

Due to the sampling, however, the variational parameters no longer appear in the above approximation. Nevertheless, it is possible to re-introduce them by rewriting the sampled parameters as:

$\theta_s = \mu + C z_s$,

where $z_s\sim\mathcal{N}(0,I)$ and $C$ is a matrix root of $\Sigma$, i.e. $CC^T = \Sigma$. We refer collectively to all samples as $Z = \{z_1 . . . , z_S \}$. This is known as the reparametrisation trick. Now we are able to we re-introduce the variational parameters in the approximated ELBO:

$\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z) = \frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S \log p(\mathcal{D}, \mu + C z_s) + \mathcal{H}[q]$,

where the subscript $FS$ stands for finite sample. We denote the approximate ELBO with $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ and make it explicit that it depends on the samples $Z$. By maximising the approximate ELBO $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ with respect to the variational parameters $\mu$ and $C$ we obtain the approximate posterior $q(\theta) = \mathcal{N}(\theta|\mu,CC^T)$ that is the best Gaussian approximation to true posterior $p(\theta|\mathcal{D})$.

Choosing the number of samples $S$

For large values of $S$ the proposed approximate lower bound $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ approximates the true bound $\mathcal{L}(\mu,\Sigma)$ closely. Therefore, we expect that optimising $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ will yield approximately the same variational parameters $µ, C$ as the optimisation of the intractable true lower bound $\mathcal{L}(\mu,\Sigma)$ would.

Here the samples $z_s$ are drawn at start of the algorithm and are kept fixed throughout its execution. The proposed scheme exhibits some fluctuation as $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ depends on the random set of samples $z_s$ that happened to be drawn at the start of the algorithm. Hence, for another set of randomly drawn samples $z_s$ the function $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ will be (hopefully only slightly) different. However, for large enough $S$ the fluctuation due to $z_s$ should be innocuous and optimising it should yield approximately the same variational parameters for any drawn $z_s$.

However, if on the other hand we choose a small value for $S$, then the variational parameters will overly depend on the small set of samples $z_s$ that happened to be drawn at the beginning of the algorithm. As a consequence, $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ will approximate $\mathcal{L}(\mu,\Sigma)$ poorly, and the resulting posterior $q(\theta)$ will also be a poor approximation to the true posterior. $p(\theta|\mathcal{D})$. Hence, the variational parameters will be overadapted to the small set of samples $z_s$ that happened to be drawn. Naturally, the question arises of how to choose a large enough $S$ in order avoid the sitatuation where $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ over-adapts the variational parameters to the samples $z_s$.

Monitoring ELBO on independent test set

A practical answer to diagnosing whether a sufficiently high number of samples $S$ has been chosen, is the following: at the beginning of the algorithm we draw a second independent set of samples $Z^\prime =\{ z_1^\prime, z_2^\prime, \dots, z_S^\prime\}$ where $S^\prime$ is preferably a number larger than $S$.

At each (or every few) iteration(s) we monitor the quantity $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z^\prime)$ on the independent sample set $Z^\prime$. If the variational parameters are not overadapting to the $Z$, then we should see that as the lower bound $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ increases, the quantity $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z^\prime)$ should also display a tendency to increase. If on the other hand the variational parameters are overadapting to $Z$, then though $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$ is increasing, we will notice that $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z^\prime)$ is actually deteriorating. This is a clear sign that a larger $S$ is required. In general, if $S$ has been set sufficiently high, then the values of $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z^\prime)$ should closely follow the values of $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z)$.

The described procedure is reminiscent of monitoring the generalisation performance of a learning algorithm on a validation set during training. A significant difference, however, is that while validation sets are typically of limited size, here we can set $S^\prime$ arbitrarily large. In practice, one may experiment with such values as e.g. $S^\prime = 2S$ or $S^\prime = 10S$. We emphasise that the samples in $Z^\prime$ are not used to optimise ELBO.

Relevant options in VI

This package implements variational inference using the re-parametrisation trick. Contrary to other flavours of this method, that repeatedly draw $S$ new samples $z_s$ at each iteration of the optimiser, here we draw at the start a large number $S$ of samples $z_s$ and keep them fixed throughout the execution of the algorithm[1]. This avoids the difficulty of working with a noisy gradient and allows the use of optimisers like ConjugateGradient. Using ConjugateGradient, does away with the typical requirement of tuning learning rates (step sizes). However, this comes at the expense of risking overfitting to the samples $z_s$ that happened to be drawn at the start. Because of fixing the samples $z_s$, the algorithm doesn't not enjoy the same scalability as variational inference with stochastic gradient does. As a consequence, the present package is recommented for problems with relatively few parameters, e.g. 2-20 parameters perhaps.

As explained in the previous section, one may monitor the approximate ELBO on an independent set of samples $Z^\prime$ of size $S^\prime$. The package provides a mechanism for monitoring potential overfitting[2] via the options Stest and test_every. Options Stest set the number of test samples $S^\prime$ and test_every specifies how often we should monitor the approximate ELBO on $Z^\prime$ by evaluating $\mathcal{L}_{(FS)}(\mu,C,Z^\prime)$. Please consult Evaluating the ELBO on test samples and the example Monitoring ELBO.


Whenever option Stest is set, test_every must be set to.


The work was independently developed and published here, (Arxiv link). Of course, the method has been widely popularised by the works Doubly Stochastic Variational Bayes for non-Conjugate Inference and Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes. The method seems to have appeared earlier in Fixed-Form Variational Posterior Approximation through Stochastic Linear Regression and again later in A comparison of variational approximations for fast inference in mixed logit models and perhaps in other publications too...