Specifying gradient options

Function VI allows the user to obtain a Gaussian approximation with minimal requirements. The user only needs to code a function logp that implements the log-posterior, provide an initial starting point x₀ and call:

# log-posterior is a Gaussian with zero mean and unit covariance.
# Hence, our approximation should be exact in this example.
logp(x) = -sum(x.*x) / 2

# initial point implicitly specifies that the log-posterior is 5-dimensional
x₀ = randn(5)

# obtain approximation
q, logev = VI(logp, x₀, S = 200, iterations = 10_000, show_every = 200)

# Check that mean is close to zero and covariance close to identity.
# mean and cov are re-exported function from Distributions.jl

However, providing a gradient for logp can speed up the computation in VI.

➤ Gradient free mode

Specify by gradientmode = :gradientfree (default value).

If no options relating to the gradient are specified, i.e. none of the options gradientmode or gradlogp is specified, VI will by default use internally the Optim.NelderMead optimiser that does not need a gradient.

The user can explicitly specify that VI should use the gradient free optimisation algorithm Optim.NelderMead by setting gradientmode = :gradientfree.

➤ Automatic differentiation mode

Specify by setting gradientmode to :forward, :zygote or :reverse.

If logp is coding a differentiable function[1], then its gradient can be conveniently computed using automatic differentiation. By specifying gradientmode = :forward, function VI will internally use ForwardDiff to calculate the gradient of logp. Alternatively, we can instead set gradientmode to either :zygote or reverse in which case function VI will respectively use Zygote or ReverseDiff. In this case, VI will use internally the Optim.ConjugateGradient optimiser.

Consider the following example:

q, logev = VI(logp, x₀, S = 200, iterations = 30, show_every = 1, gradientmode = :forward)

We note that with the use of gradientmode = :forward we arrive in fewer iterations to a result than in the gradient free case.

➤ Gradient provided

Specify by gradientmode = :provided.

The user can provide a gradient for logp via the gradlogp option:

# Let us calculate the gradient explicitly
gradlogp(x) = -x

q, logev = VI(logp, x₀, gradlogp = gradlogp, S = 200, iterations = 30, show_every = 1, gradientmode = :provided)

In this case, VI will use internally the Optim.ConjugateGradient optimiser. Again in this case we arrive in fewer iterations to a result than in the gradient free case.


Even if a gradient has been explicitly provided via the gradlogp option, the user still needs to specify gradientmode = :provided to instruct VI to use the provided gradient.

Evaluating the ELBO on test samples

The option S specifies the number of samples to use when approximating the expected lower bound (ELBO), see Technical background. The higher the value we use for S, the better the approximation to the ELBO will be, but at a higher computational cost. The lower the value we use for S, the faster the computation will be, but the approximation to the ELBO may be poorer. Hence, when setting S we need to take this trade-off into account.

Function VI offers a mechanism that tests whether the value S is set to a sufficiently high value. This mechanism makes use of two options, namely Stest and test_every. Option Stest defines a number of test samples used exclusively for evaluating (not optimising!) and reporting the ELBO every test_every number of iterations, see ELBO maximisation. If S is set sufficiently high, then we should see that as the ELBO increases, so does the ELBO on the test samples. If on the other hand, we notice that the ELBO on the test samples is decreasing, then this is a clear sign that a larger $S$ is required. In general, if S has been indeed set sufficiently high, then it should be followed closely byt eh ELBO evaluated on the test samples. Hence, monitoring the ELBO this way is an effective way of detecting whether S has been set sufficiently high.

The following code snippet shows how to specify the options Stest and test_every:

# Use 2000 test samples and report test ELBO every 20 iterations
q, logev = VI(logp, x₀, S = 200, iterations = 1000, Stest = 2000, test_every = 20)

If the test ELBO at the current iteration is smaller than in the previous iteration, it is printed out in red colour. An additional example can be found here Monitoring ELBO.


Whenever option Stest is set, test_every must be set to.

Parallel evaluation

Specify by parallel = true (default value).

The package makes use of Transducers.jl in order to parallelise the evaluation of the lower bound and its gradient on a number of threads. In order to make use of this feature, simply start julia by specifying a number of threads e.g. julia -t4. To disable parallel evaluation set parallel = false.

  • 1The implementation of the function needs to satisfy certain requirements, see for example here for the requirements of ForwardDiff.jl. Packages Zygote.jl and ReverseDiff.jl impose their own requirements.